
加拿大农业试点移民计划4215 残疾人的指导员-麦克斯出国

4215 残疾人的指导员头衔范例-麦克斯出国
* 盲文指导员 braille instructor
* 行动不便人士的导师 instructor of persons with a mobility impairment
* 失聪人的指导员 instructor of persons who are deaf
* 听力障碍人士的指导员 instructor of persons who are hard of hearing
* 学习障碍人士的教练 instructor of persons with a learning disability
* 视力障碍人士的导师 instructor of persons with a visual impairment
* 有特殊需要的人的教练 instructor of persons with special needs
* 唇读教练 lip-reading instructor
* 取向和机动性讲师 orientation and mobility instructor
* 手语教师 sign language instructor
* 智障人士的老师 teacher for persons with intellectual disabilities

4215 残疾人的指导员主要职责-麦克斯出国
* 根据客户的特殊需求,制定个性化的教育和干预计划,以促进他们实施再教育和独立目标
* 从以下领域领域评估个人,如物理限制,定向和行动技能,认知,社会和情感上的障碍,建立客户端康复或适应目标
* 协助有身体,智力,视觉和听觉障碍或多重障碍的个人,发展生活技能,并提供在职培训
* 指导残障人士和他们的家庭使用康复技术,假肢装置,轮椅和其他设备,旨在最大限度地提高客户的独立性和潜能。
* 指导有视力障碍的人读写盲文,以及使用专用设备或支持者,如人或动物导游,长手杖和其他自适应移动设备
* 根据个人的通信需求,指导听力困难或耳聋的人进行唇读,手指拼写和手语
* 指导听力困难或耳聋的人使用助听器和其他设备和技术形成和发展声音讲话
* 也专家合作,如康复辅导员,语音语言病理学家和职业治疗师,为客户的特殊需求制定方案,

4215 残疾人的指导员任职要求-麦克斯出国
* 必须完成特殊教育,康复,定向移动,视力障碍,听力障碍或智力残疾的大学课程。
* 可能需要特殊教育或相关领域,如社会工作或心理学的大学本科学历。

4215 残疾人的指导员其他分类-麦克斯出国
* 职业治疗康复顾问(职业治疗师) Occupational therapy rehabilitation consultants (in [3143](3143) Occupational therapists )
* 特殊教育技师 – 社会和社区服务(社会和社区服务工作者) Special education technicians – social and community services (in [4212](4212) Social and community service workers )
* 特殊需要教育助理(小学和中学教师助理) Special needs educational assistants (in [4413](4413) Elementary and secondary school teacher assistants )
* 特别需求教师 – 小学(小学和幼儿园教师) Special needs teachers – elementary school (in [4032](4032) Elementary school and kindergarten teachers )
* 特别需要教师 – 中学(中学教师) Special needs teachers – secondary school (in [4031](4031) Secondary school teachers )
* 言语和听觉治疗师(听觉病矫治专家和语音语言病理学家) Speech and hearing therapists (in [3141](3141) Audiologists and speech-language pathologists )

4215 残疾人的指导员职称头衔-麦克斯出国
* 盲文指导员 braille instructor
* 盲文老师 braille teacher
* 手指拼写老师 finger-spelling teacher
* 行动不便的人的导师 instructor of persons with a mobility impairment
* 盲人教练 instructor of persons who are blind
* 聋人指导员 instructor of persons who are deaf
* 听力障碍人士指导员 instructor of persons who are hard of hearing
* 学习障碍人士教练 instructor of persons with a learning disability
* 视力障碍人的导师 instructor of persons with a visual impairment
* 发育性残疾人指导员 instructor of persons with developmental disabilities
* 残疾人指导员 instructor of persons with disabilities
* 智障人士指导员 instructor of persons with intellectual disabilities
* 有特殊需要的人教练 instructor of persons with special needs
* 指导员,盲文 instructor, braille
* 导师,方向和移动 instructor, orientation and mobility
* 盲人的方向和流动性的导师 instructor, orientation and mobility of persons who are blind
* 指导员,手语 instructor, sign language
* 指导员,为残疾人士提供特别节目 instructor, special programs for persons with disabilities
* 教练为残疾人士提供就业机会 job coach for persons with disabilities
* 唇读教练 lip-reading instructor
* 唇读老师 lip-reading teacher
* 方向和流动讲师 orientation and mobility instructor
* 有视力障碍的人士定向行走指导员 orientation and mobility instructor for persons with a visual impairment
* 盲人定向行走老师 orientation and mobility teacher for persons who are blind
* 有视力障碍的人的方向和流动性教师 orientation and mobility teacher of persons with a visual impairment
* 盲人康复指导员 rehabilitation instructor for persons who are blind
* 有视力障碍的人康复指导员 rehabilitation instructor of persons with a visual impairment
* 康复老师 rehabilitation teacher
* 盲人康复老师 rehabilitation teacher for persons who are blind
* 康复老师,有视力障碍的人 rehabilitation teacher of persons with a visual impairment
* 手语教师 sign language instructor
* 手语老师 sign language teacher
* 特殊教育技师 – 残疾人 special education technician – persons with disabilities
* 自闭症人士老师 teacher for persons with autism
* 智障人士老师 teacher for persons with intellectual disabilities
* 盲文的老师 teacher of braille
* 盲人的老师 teacher of persons who are blind
* 聋人的老师 teacher of persons who are deaf
* 听力障碍人士的老师 teacher of persons who are hard of hearing
* 听障人士老师 teacher of persons who are hearing impaired
* 行动不便的人的老师 teacher of persons with a mobility impairment
* 有视力障碍的人的老师 teacher of persons with a visual impairment
* 发展残疾人士的老师 teacher of persons with developmental disabilities
* 老师,手指拼写 teacher, finger spelling
* 老师,唇读 teacher, lip reading
* 教师,康复 teacher, rehabilitation
* 老师,手语 teacher, sign language


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